Next-generation sequencing services (NGS services) have been transforming the field of genomics by allowing scientists to rapidly sequence genomes and transcriptomes at a much lower cost than previous technologies. NGS has become a powerful tool for understanding the genetic basis of diseases and biological processes and is utilized by small academic groups to large pharmaceutical […]
4 Major reasons researchers are outsourcing Neural Progenitor Cell (NPC) differentiation
Why are researchers outsourcing NPC Differentiation? NPC Differentiation applications can be vast, and could revolutionize treatment of neurological diseases – but why outsource it? Neural progenitor cells (NPCs) are a type of multipotent, adult stem cell that possess the ability to differentiate into neural cells. NPCs differentiate into the glial and neural cell types that […]
Why are Researchers Outsourcing Whole Exome Sequencing? – 3 Powerful Reasons
In this blog we look at 3 powerful reasons researchers outsource Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) and how it might be the right choice for your research. Across the globe researchers have been deciphering the genetic code to identify the sequences of nucleotides in the human genome that code for proteins. In many cases, they are […]
Ordering from the NINDS repository website
We are proud to be the sole distributor for the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). The repository contains extensive biomaterials that can be requested by scientists worldwide. The NINDS biobank stem cell collection currently contains 411 subjects, 169 of which have iPSC and 270 of which have fibroblasts and represents several neurodegenerative […]
5 reasons why researchers are choosing to outsource CRISPR gene editing
In recent years, CRISPR-Cas9 has emerged as a revolutionary gene-editing tool that has transformed the field of precision medicine, since it offers researchers a relatively inexpensive means to edit the DNA of a cell with precision and ease.
Expert Guide to Powerful Single Cell RNA Sequencing
In this blog we cover what single cell RNA sequencing is, how it is being used by researchers to gain ground breaking insights. Due to the expertise and costs involved in using and purchasing these platforms, we explore why many researchers outsource their work to Sampled so that they can get the most out of their samples, while focusing on the research that matters most to them.