In the time between when a sample is collected and when it is analyzed, samples can degrade if they are not properly stored. So, it is critical to have a storage process for the short and long term that is efficient and preserves its integrity over time.

When most people think of biological research, the first thing that comes to mind is sample processing; however, all samples need to be stored in the proper conditions prior to testing. Biological samples degrade over a period of time, and improper storage jeopardizes the integrity of the samples which may cause inaccurate and inconsistent results. To prevent degradation, there are several ways biological samples may be stored for long- and short-term durations, and Sampled offers them all!
With a truly client-centered approach, Sampled can cater to the storage needs of all the samples we store. Plus, we are committed to ensuring the most appropriate handling and care of the samples we manage. We maintain an environment in which the temperature of every refrigerator, freezer, and room are closely monitored to provide optimal conditions for the samples.
For more tips on safely storing biological samples, click here.
The following highlights the sample storage options that Sampled offers.
Automated Storage: Preserves the Quality of Samples and Results
Sampled utilizes a state-of-the-art monitoring system, managed by LIMS, which allows for constant monitoring and data generation. This alerts highly qualified personnel of any excursions and will prevent any issues with the sample storage that could affect downstream analysis. These monitoring systems are in place in the freezer storage units and liquid nitrogen tanks – any temperature fluctuations alert the appropriate groups to take action. This constant monitoring ensures that sample integrity is not compromised at any point in the sample lifecycle.
Mechanical Storage: Preserve the Quality of Samples by Minimizing Excursions
The storage freezers are typically set at the industry standards of -80, -20, and 5°C, but Sampled also has the capacity to customize the storage temperature to meet a customer’s needs! In addition, we are in the process of implementing Biostore, which is an automated sample management and storage system. This has astronomical sample storage benefits because it allows sample handling to be greatly minimized. The freezer intakes and stores the samples at the specified temperature, which means there are no opened doors which would cause any type of temperature excursions.
Liquid Nitrogen Storage: Preserve the Quality of Samples at any Stage
All cell and stem cell lines utilize the liquid nitrogen storage. Cryopreserved cell storage allows for the accommodation of storage at different stages of the lifecycle. The same temperature monitoring, managed by LIMS, is also used to constantly monitor the temperatures of the liquid nitrogen tanks.
Sampled has achieved the distinguished Biorepository Accreditation from the College of American Pathologists (CAP). This involves a rigorous inspection process to ensure that Sampled facilities meet the required criteria. A series of external and internal inspections takes place annually in order to maintain this accreditation.
The liquid nitrogen storage tanks also have an automated storage component which minimizes introductions to other temperatures – preventing sample excursions. There is also a component that maintains the storage temperature from retrieval to processing and packaging.
Bulk and Non-bulk Storage
Sampled has the distinct ability to receive and store a specific set of samples for clients or support large capacity storage. We’re able to provide bulk storage because we can take storage units and entire freezers of samples for the clients we serve. As with all other storage services that Sampled offers, we offer a wide range of customizable sample storage options.
Global Distribution: Preserve the Quality of Samples while Transporting around the World
The highly skilled Sampled Global Distribution Team is trained in IATA and Department of Transportation Regulations. We can ship samples all over the world while maintaining the proper storage conditions with the highest sample integrity. This practice was even achievable during the pandemic!
This global distribution team works closely with the CDC to obtain the appropriate qualifications and import and export samples globally. We are skilled in dealing with customs issues, managing requirements, and ensuring that samples are distributed in a timely manner. The samples are tracked to ensure appropriate temperature monitoring and manage biospecimens from the time they leave the Sampled facility until they are delivered to the customer.
Have Samples You need to Store?
Sampled has facilities which offer biobanking and biorepository services, which allow biological material to be stored at optimal conditions to promote sample longevity. Amid the pandemic, and even now, Sampled has a crucial role to play. We have a laboratory that processes COVID-19 samples, and a storage facility which houses vaccines and testing samples.
Sampled can be trusted with all of your sample storage needs – contact us today!