The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) is an invaluable asset in advancing cellular research on neurological disorders. By providing access to a diverse collection of high-quality patient-derived cell lines, NINDS facilitates breakthroughs in understanding diseases like Alzheimer’s and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Partnering with SAMPLED for secure storage and efficient distribution, NINDS […]
How Digital Manifests Can Save Time in Sample Accessioning
In the fast-paced world of modern biomedical laboratories, efficiency is key. That also applies to sample accessioning – the process of receiving, documenting, and preparing samples for testing. Historically, many labs have relied on manual accessioning methods, which can be time-consuming and error-prone. Today, digital manifests are transforming how laboratories manage samples, offering significant time […]
Meet The Expert: Elevating Global Biobanking: An Interview with ISBER Executive Director Dana Cooper, MBA, BKin, CAE
In the dynamic world of biobanking, few organizations play as pivotal a role as the International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories (ISBER). With a mission to advance the expertise and quality of biorepositories and biobanking science worldwide, ISBER stands as one of the leading global forums for the development, management, and operations of repositories. […]
Why Outsource ULT Storage?
Introduction It is well recognized that suboptimal preservation and long-term storage conditions can impact sample quality(1), therefore, it is critical that researchers ensure biosamples are stored in appropriate conditions such as Ultra Low Temperature Storage (ULT Storage) so the samples can be accessed and used in future research. What is ULT Storage? ULT Storage environments […]
Sample Collection Kitting: Critical Insights to Ensuring Success through Comprehensive Sample Understanding
Sample collection kitting is an essential component of research and diagnostic workflows that influences the success of subsequent analysis and the reliability of data. However, despite its crucial importance, the process of collecting samples is fraught with challenges that can compromise the integrity of samples, resulting data, and research outcomes. Overcoming sample collection challenges is […]
Sampled Named One of the First Olink® Certified Service Providers.
Piscataway, NJ, 5/3/2024 – Sampled1 today announced that it has been named one of the first Olink® Certified Service Providers Olink’s state-of-the-art proteomics technology enables understanding of complex biological pathways and disease markers. Proteomics technology is an important tool for studying diseases, providing crucial insights into their underlying molecular mechanisms. The consistent and highly accurate […]