Disaster recovery is the process of preparing for and recovering from potential interruptions in an organization’s stability storage operations. This involves taking steps to ensure the preservation of valuable samples in the event of an unforeseen incident such as power failure, equipment malfunction or natural disasters. In this article we cover the major reasons why companies should consider outsourcing their stability storage needs in order to avoid losing precious samples, time to market and ultimately revenue.
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Avoiding Interuptions in Stability Storage Studies with Disaster Recovery
The importance of having a tried and tested disaster recovery plan in place for your stability storage studies cannot be overstated. Pharmaceutical and Medical Device industries rely on stability storage studies to gain regulatory approval for product launch. Any disruption in the stability studies due to an unforeseen incident would lead to significant delays in the company gaining regulatory approval, being able to launch the product and ultimately impacting the businesses bottom line.

Ensuring Business Continuity
Stability storage trials can last from between 6 months and over 5 years, this is a huge window of opportunity for something to go wrong in, therefore having a backup plan in place is a necessity. One effective way to ensure business continuity is to dual run your stability storage studies by sending extra samples to an outsource provider, this way if your primary stability study is compromised due to unforeseen events the secondary set of samples can still be used to continue your testing schedule, saving you from starting over.
A second option to consider is to outsource your stability storage studies in totality, in doing so researchers can ensure that samples are stored in a secure, regulated, off-site facility which is equipped with backup power, redundant systems, trained and knowledgeable staff as well as comprehensive disaster recovery plans. Providers of outsourced stability storage services can leverage their facilities to provide further risk mitigation by splitting the product over multiple chambers and locations on or off site. Outsourced providers also possess the advantage of using the latest compliant technology to monitor samples in real-time, manage inventory, and provide clients with detailed data reports at regular intervals.
Thus, should a laboratory/manufacturer suffer an unforeseen disaster and the stability storage samples become compromised, there would be minimal impact on the company’s revenue, quality, or studies as there are samples and safely stored with the outsourced provider.
Sampled is Your Disaster Recovery Partner
Sampled are experts in sample storage and especially in conducting outsourced stability storage trials on behalf of our clients and helping to de-risk this aspect. We not only have the facilities, space, staff and expertise to be able to store your samples in our ICH validated chambers but also a wealth of experience dealing with disasters when they happen. Sampled are here for you should the worst happen and your storage suite becomes compromised. Our staff are on-call 24/7/365 and ready to respond and accept your samples should you need to transport them to us for storage if your labs become compromised. Our team of experts can adopt your protocols to ensure that the samples you send to us are stored in the same conditions as before so you can continue your stability storage trials and be rest assured on minimal impact.
In conclusion, disaster recovery is not only a critical component of stability storage but also a MHRA requirement that cannot be overlooked. Businesses that rely on stability storage for the development and manufacturing of their products must ensure that their samples are preserved and that their operations can recover in the event of an interruption. Outsourcing stability storage can provide businesses with the peace of mind that their samples are secure and that they can maintain business continuity even in the event of a laboratory disaster or shutdown.
If you would like to learn more about how Sampled can become part of your business continuity plan or disaster recovery procedure, talk to one of our experts today.