Introducing the Global Integrated Analytical Biorepository (GIAB)
Sample Storage, Sample Management, Multiomics, Cellular Services, Kitting & Logistics, and General
Fueling Precision Medicine for a Healthier Future
The Global Integrated Analytical Biorepository (GIAB) provides a new pathway in biorepository and biobanking science to advance human health by providing services that are instrumental in the optimization of biospecimen quality. This is achieved by taking a unified and integrated approach to all steps in the biospecimen life cycle, from collection through sample processing, multiomics analysis, storage, and logistics. This integrated process results in samples that meet the exacting standards of the pharmaceutical and biotech industries as well as government agencies such as the NIH, enabling the GIAB to support health care innovation in both clinical and research programs. This whitepaper discusses the need for a paradigm shift in traditional biorepositories, outlining the components of a GIAB, the impact on precision medicine for a healthier future and why investing in a warehouse full of freezers and associated systems alone is a strategy of the past.