Bioinformatics Analysis
Sampled’s seasoned team of expert bioinformaticians is ready to help you get the most out of your sequencing, microarray, and other genomic and proteomic data. At Sampled, we tailor our analysis and reporting to the precise needs of each client.
What Is Bioinformatics Analysis?
Bioinformatics is the process of interpreting biological data using computer software.
Bioinformatics is an incredibly powerful tool that merges the rapid technological advancements in sequencing technology with the massive progress in data storage and processing capabilities of modern computing. As such, bioinformatics is particularly useful when handling large amounts of data, such as sequencing or microarray results. Bioinformatics can have a wide range of outputs depending on the type of data being analyzed and the requirements of the user. For instance, next-generation DNA sequencing data can be used to determine single nucleotide polymorphisms across a large cohort of patients but also to look at gene duplications or deletions. Analysis of RNA sequencing can be used for gene expression and pathway analysis and also to analyze the regulatory RNA landscape. To perform analyses accurately, bioinformaticians need a broad and constantly evolving skill set. Here at Sampled, we are proud to offer top-of-the-range bioinformatics analyses carried out by our team of experts.
Why Use Sampled’s Bioinformatics Analysis Service?
By trusting Sampled with your bioinformatics analysis needs, you are collaborating with a strong team of experts who have vast experience in handling and analyzing large quantities of data. Our team has training and experience in next-generation sequencing (NGS), microarray, single cell, PacBio long read sequencing, Olink, molecular diagnostic (hereditary diseases, non-invasive prenatal testing, ctDNA liquid biopsy), molecular modeling, precision medicine, biomarker discovery, drug discovery, NGS pipeline development, database, and AI and machine learning.
Pipeline and Validation
We can perform any analysis you want from our large collection of in-house analytical pipelines. Our pipelines are seamlessly integrated with our lab capabilities. We are also prepared to take raw data you have generated elsewhere and analyze it for you.
Our analytical pipelines are validated and documented to meet Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments lab requirements. We use the best-practice workflows and incorporate tested cutting-edge tools. All pipeline upgrades are tested and documented before they are deployed in production.
IT Platform and Security
At Sampled, we have a validated and scalable computing and data storage platform to support the analytical pipelines. With the platform, we can match our lab high throughput capability to generate results within required turnaround time. We securely manage petabyte raw and analysis data including effectively delivering any required data to clients via an agreed protocol such as sftp, AWS S3 bucket etc.
Data security is our priority at Sampled. We ensure the encryption of your data during transfer and provide a secure portal called SampledSphere for clients to access and download their data. We are Title 21 CFR part 11 and HIPAA compliant and SampledSphere is enabled with single sign-on and multifactor authentication. This means your data is stored securely and only authenticated individuals will be able to access it. We acknowledge our clients’ full ownership of their data and will never distribute or sell it to a third party.
Tailored for Clients
At Sampled, we collaborate with our clients to perform analysis exactly how they want it, whether it’s raw data, QC analysis, or analysis of a specific polymorphism. From the collection of in-house or commercial pipelines we subscribe to, we can customize and validate a client and project-specific pipeline to meet any client needs. This could be a feature addition or a simple file output format change. We are constantly adding services to help make our clients’ lives easier and can analyze our clients’ data even if the data was not generated at Sampled. We are working towards providing a platform for clients to perform their own analyses with guidance from our experts.
At Sampled, we have a fully resourced and validated bioinformatics platform, which means we are prepared to handle any type of analysis you need. Our bioinformatics analysis service is integrated into the Sampled analytical workflow, so our bioinformatics team collaborates closely with the scientists who performed the sequencing and extracted the sample. This means troubleshooting and collaboration are streamlined within our company. By outsourcing all of your analysis needs to Sampled, you are benefiting from a streamlined workflow that you don’t get by outsourcing to multiple third parties. This will ensure we can identify a root cause in a short turnaround time for any data issue and provide a resolution quickly.
World Leading Partners
Sampled is proud to be a certified provider of global leaders in sequencing technology such as:
- Illumina NovaSeq X Series & NovaSeq 6000 Series
- PacBio Revio and Sequel IIe from and 5-base HiFi sequencing
- 10X Genomics Chromium X Series
- Olink HT
For analysis, we integrate cloud services like Illumina BaseSpace, DNAnexus, and our in-house analysis pipeline to ensure clients are getting the most from their data.
Bioinformatics Analysis Applications
We work with a wide range of clients, including academic laboratories, biopharmaceutical companies, and government agencies. As such the applications for our Bioinformatics Analysis are practically endless.
- Disease identification
- Diagnostics
- Drug discovery
- Pharmacogenomics
- Clinical trials
- Research studies
- Biomarker discovery
- Population health studies
- Novel genome assembly
- Agrigenomics
- Disease modeling
- Development modeling
How Does Bioinformatics Analysis Work?
Data Receipt
We receive data either from our in-house analytics pipeline or directly from our client. All data is securely stored on our laboratory information management system (LIMS) and is easily accessed via our client-facing portal, SampledSphere. At Sampled, we can store huge amounts of data so our clients don’t need to worry about storage limitations.

Data Analysis
At Sampled we perform the analysis that matches the requirements agreed with our clients. Analysis varies from client to client and depends on the type of sequencing or array performed. For instance, analysis of next-generation genome sequencing data can fall into one of four tiers. For tier one, we provide raw sequencing data files and quality control data. At tier two, we perform alignment to a reference genome. With tier three, we compare samples to a reference genome and look for variants. Tier four involves meeting the customized requirements of our clients, such as describing the impact of variants on a patient in a clinical trial. Whatever the analysis needs of our client, Sampled’s team of experts can deliver.

We meet all of our client’s specifications for data export including file type, format, and labeling. We format data to match our client’s platform and specific security requirements and can upload it directly to their portal if they have one. We provide a manifest of precisely what the data is and where it is stored to ensure ease of accessibility. We are Title 21 CFR part 11 and HIPAA compliant. SampledSphere is enabled with single sign-on and multifactor authentication, and we encrypt data for transfer. If our clients want their data to be destroyed after the completion of a study, we also perform that service. At Sampled, we will never sell your data to a third party and all data we store is owned entirely by the client.

What Are the Input Requirements for Bioinformatics Analysis?
Bioinformatics Analysis is central to our analytical pipeline here at Sampled. Thus, the data we analyze is derived from a wide variety of sample types and from species including, but not limited to, human, mouse, and rat.
- Blood
- Plasma
- Serum
- Saliva
- Tissue biopsies
- Hair
- Nail
- Stool
- Urine
- Semen
- Cell line samples/pellets
- Protein samples
- Isolated nucleic acids (DNA/RNA)
- Buccal swabs
We also accept raw sequencing data from our clients that has been generated elsewhere.
Find out more about our bioinformatics analysis service
Looking to perform bioinformatics analysis but don’t have the expertise? Get in touch with one of Sampled’s experts today to discover how we can solve all of your bioinformatics analysis needs.