Sample Processing Quality Control
The sample processing quality control service at Sampled ensures only high-quality samples are used for analysis. Whether it’s DNA, RNA, plasma, or serum our team of experts is ready to ensure you get accurate data from your samples.
What is Sample Processing Quality Control?
Sample processing quality control (QC) involves testing an attribute or multiple attributes of a sample as a representation of its overall quality.
The attributes tested will vary depending on the type of sample. Here at Sampled, we perform different QC analyses on DNA, RNA, plasma, and serum depending on our client’s needs.
Quality control is central to any analytical workflow and can be performed before and after any step. For example, we perform quality control on DNA after it is extracted in-house or received pre-extracted from our client. After sample normalization, another round of QC can be performed to determine that the correct volume and concentration were obtained. Samples retrieved from storage can also be quality controlled to determine if any deterioration occurred during storage or thawing.
High sample quality is essential for obtaining accurate results from downstream analyses. Failure to perform proper quality control checks can lead to inaccurate results or outright failure of the analysis. This causes loss of time, reagents, and trustable results.
At Sampled we perform stringent multifactorial quality control checks so you can always be sure that you are getting the most accurate data from your sample.
Why Use Sampled’s Sample Processing Quality Control Services?
Sampled’s team of experts is ready to perform quality control on a wide range of samples. Our experienced team understands the difficulties in balancing the sample quantity needed for analysis with the necessity of quality control. We are ready to guide you every step of the way to make sure you get the most out of your sample.
At Sampled, we have a wide array of high-end automated instrumentation that tests multiple factors to determine a sample’s quality. This ensures our client is getting a range of information about their sample and ensures only samples of the highest quality are sent for analysis.
Our sample processing quality control service is fully integrated into our analytical services workflow. This minimizes handling steps and helps maintain sample integrity. Samples can be extracted, quality controlled, and sent for analysis with a quick turnaround time, all while being maintained at the appropriate temperature. Our service is fully automated which means efficiency and downstream data quality are optimized.
Sample Processing Quality Control Applications
Sample Processing QC is central to our analytical service pipeline. As such, the applications are virtually endless.
- Disease identification
- Diagnostics
- Drug discovery
- Pharmacogenomics
- Clinical trials
- Research studies
- Biomarker discovery
- Population health studies
- Novel genome assembly
- Agrigenomics
- Disease modeling
- Development modeling
How Does Sample Processing Quality Control Work?
Sample Receipt
Samples for QC can be extracted in-house or sent to us pre-extracted by our client. All samples will be stored at the appropriate temperature during handling or storage until they are ready for QC. The type of quality control performed depends on the sample type, the sample quantity, and the specifications of our client.

The concentration of DNA is read using the Lunatic automated UV spectrometer from Unchained Labs. The volume of every sample is checked with an automated BioMicroLab non-contact volume detection instrument from SPT Labtech. DNA is then sent to our functional quality control team who return a call rate for DNA quality.

RNA concentration is also read using the Lunatic automated UV spectrometer from Unchained Labs. The volume of every sample is also checked with an automated BioMicroLab non-contact volume detection instrument from SPT Labtech. RNA fragmentation is determined using the Perkin Elmer LabChip GX which returns an RNA quality score.

Plasma/Serum QC
We perform visual color grading of plasma, and analytical quality control using the Lunatic instrument from Unchained Labs to test levels of bilirubin and hemoglobin, as well as the turbidity of the sample.

Protein Lysates
Sampled offers QC on protein lysates using the Unchained Labs Lunatic instrument. The Unmix application on the Lunatic platform also offers protein quantification.

Further Processing
Results of quality control tests are made immediately available to our clients through the SampledSphere cloud system. Depending on our client’s requirements, the samples can be aliquoted, stored, shipped, or sent directly to the laboratory for analysis. Our logistics team can take care of organizing the shipping leaving you free to manage your project.

Input Requirements for Sample Processing Quality Control
The input requirements for sample processing QC are DNA, RNA, protein lysates, plasma, and serum. These can be extracted in-house or sent to us pre-extracted by our client.
Find out more about our sample processing QC services
Interested in finding out if your sample is ready for analysis? Get in touch with one of our experts today to discover more about our sample processing QC service.